Harvesting Corn
This is the most time consuming of harvests for me, simply due to the quantity of corn I plant. I find it helpful to plant the rows at a staggered rate, 2 rows every 2 weeks, so I do not become overwhelmed by the amount of ears to prepare at once. Take baskets or a wheel barrow to haul the corn ears. You know they are ready to harvest when a punctured kernel that gives a nice crunch-pop with your nail, reveals liquid that looks milky and not clear. The corn is perfect for picking. I also go by feel, in diameter of the ear. You do not want the kernels to get too large, they will be overripe and have a gummy feel and poor flavor when eating.
Freezing Corn
What you need:
Sheet pans
large stock pot
soft bristle brush
paring knife
quart size freezer bags

1. Pick your corn ears, and shuck each one. Break off any bad tops you may have. Throw those shucked bits into the compost pile to revive your soil for the next gardening season!
2. Bring prepare corn ears inside and wash each ear under water, brushing them with a soft bristle brush to remove any remaining silt.
3. Bring a large pot of water to boil. Drop shucked ears into boiling water and cook 2-3 minutes. Remove from water to a large sheet pan and let cool a few minutes until you can handle them.
4. Cut kernels off of cobs, spoon into freezer bags, push excess air out of the bags and seal. Throw them in the freezer and you are done!